Jsfiddle Euler Roof

20 Jan 2022

Jsfiddle Euler Roof


jsfiddle is an online development environment that can be used to write programing syntax such as JavaScript. The jsfiddle portal can also be used to code and run code to see results sent to the console without needing to download anything on the user’s personal command prompt, or terminal application on their operating system of choice. Downloading necessary tools prior to practicing incremental development on a computer, enables a more friendly way of learning to apply coding languages like javascript.


ProjectEulerOne was a website that provided a question to ponder and find a solution to after having reviewed a javascript style guide explaining the correct usage of objects in javascript. Problem 1 from Multiples of 3 and 5 in the archives of ProjectEuler.net gave us our first problem in need of a solution via javascript:


In this workout of the day, regarding the pedagogy of the athletic software engineering aspect of this course, we were reintroduced to the functionalities for referencing, such as “const” and “let”, in lieu of previously used “var” definitions.

Sample Code in JavaScript

function projectEulerOne(maxLimit) {
	let sum = 0;
	for (let i = 0; i < maxLimit; i++) {
  	if (((i % 3) === 0) || ((i % 5) === 0)) {
    	sum += i;
  return sum;

Noob mistakes

After having gone through some of the preliminary training from CodecAcademy and FreeCodeCamp related to JavaScript writing, the lessons learned were very useful and yet in practice hard to replicate within the timed sessions that were incorporated for introducing quick reaction of submitting viable code in a timely manner to promote application of learning, and comprehension of subject matter.

Timed sessions of coding solution for beginners

DNF, DNF, 4:30, 3:39