Java Juice

19 Jan 2022

What do you think about JavaScript so far?

So far learning JavaScript seems fun, and reminds me of configuring the old school myspace social web page, prior to Facebook, that is… I mean Meta? I’m hoping to practice programing for a good 5-10+ years after graduating outside of the academic side of learning to further training on all types of code.

If you’re a complete newbie, how does it compare to other programming languages that you know?

I have little experience in JavaScript from my prior programing languages, but my understanding is that it would seem that JavaScript can be used in conjunction or tandem rather, with web development to some extent. Although, still un-proficient in any programing languages, I do recall learning python easier in most cases. Also, I enjoyed learning about sql databases from my time s tudying at Honolulu community college.

If you have prior experience, did you learn new things from this module, perhaps with respect to ES6?

I learned a lot from the Codec Academy and the Free Code Camp portals with regards to learning JavaScript. However, I felt rushed to finish all 300+ hours of learning from the websites and found myself pressed for time and in need to review the hints in order to finish all requirements in time for the submission of the assignment due date time.

Do you think JavaScript is a good or bad programming language from a software engineering perspective? What about athletic software engineering?

I have not fully seen the possibilities as of yet related to the full potential of JavaScript. But with the pace of this course, the practice/TA’s/In-Class WOD’s in collaboration with the Athletic software engineering pedagogy approach, I am confident we will learn a lot from this course and the Lecturers due to the amount of experience in their backgrounds on software engineering with JavaScript.

Did you find the practice WODs to be useful?

I found the practice WODs extremely useful especially the repetition at which repeating the code for a few timed sessions went, to prepare us to meet the necessary times for testing and for future coding interviews.

What do you think about this style of learning? Is it stressful? Is it enjoyable? Do you think it will work for you?

So far to be honest this style of learning is a shocker as, I have not experienced this in-depth approach to learning from my experience of previous programming courses taken from sister UH system campuses. But, I can see the great potential to actually learn the concepts and practice our skills more effectively and efficiently than normal. So far, this class is exciting and yet stressful, and will take some time getting use to. I think after the first month of this course, I should get the hang of it. I will make this course work and try my best to balance my full load of classes as best as possible.